Company profile
双雄升商贸有限公司(英文缩写:SXS),是由兵神机械工业株式会社独资组建的综合性贸易公司,前身为日本兵神机械工业株式会社上海代表处,创立于2010年10月。 公司的目标就是秉着守信用,重合同,互赢互利的原则,通过贸易纽带紧密联 结中国市场,愿与国内外商业界,产业界,科技界的各界朋友真诚合作,共同发展。
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SXS Corporation(English abbreviation:SXS)is a comprehensive commercial company established by Heishin Pump Works Co., Ltd. Its preexistence is Representative Office in Shanghai of Heishin Pump Works Co., Ltd. established in Oct. 2010. Our company goal is to connect with the China market through close trading ties, and building mutual benefit and trust. We are willing to work with friends from all industries including but not limited to business as well as science and technology industries based at home or abroad to promote common development and growth.
Abide by credit, contract and mutual benefit.
守信用 重合同 互惠互利